If you enjoy the few short extracts from John Moore’s work given here, you will be enraptured by John’s country books and novels, which are increasingly being recognized as landmarks of 20th Century literature. We invite you to join the Society that exists to promote the work and memory of this unequalled chronicler of England’s countryside, its characters, and the dangers facing it. Members of the John Moore Society receive complimentary issues of the Society’s Journal, published two or three times a year, as well as prior notification of Society events. Contact with other members also provides unique opportunities to acquire titles by John Moore, many of which are now out of print and difficult to obtain. Annual subscriptions are currently £15.00 for UK individual or family membership or £20 for overseas membership, renewable on 1st January (regardless of the date of joining). If you would like to help the work of the Society by becoming a Member, you can do so right now. Simply complete and send the form below and we’ll contact you promptly to activate your membership. PLEASE NOTE that by becoming a Member you agree to us keeping your details on our database and contacting you with information related to the Society. We will never pass your information to third parties and your details will be removed in the event of your membership ending.
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